The Mom’s Club…Open Enrollment

By Catie of Woman Links

My mom died when I was quite young, so Mother’s Day has always been a weird time for me. Prior to becoming a mother myself, it passed as any other day, only it reminded harshly of what I had lost. Once my kids came along, my perspective on Motherhood changed quite a bit.

Sure, I’m down in the Mothering trenches with two young energetic boys, but I have come to realize that that every woman takes on the role of Mother, in some form, whether or not she births a child. A perfect example of what I mean is my sister Sheila. From my childhood through to my Motherhood, she has always been there when I needed her, patiently listening to my frantic ravings about everything from boyfriends to my son’s fevers. When I ask for advice, she gives it, when I’m about to jump into some emotional hornet’s nest, she is always there to pull me back into reality. She nurtures my growth and teaches me more than she’ll ever know. Sounds like a Mother to me.

So, we all have one birth Mother, but throughout a lifetime, we encounter many Mothers; co-workers, college friends, neighbors, teachers, aunts, sisters, etc. Sometimes it is also necessary to Mother ourselves. When our lives become too cluttered and suffocating, we are our own best ally. Whenever any woman takes the time to foster your soul, that is Mothering in its best form. On Mother’s Day, let’s not just celebrate those who have birthed.

Mothering entails so much more than that. Let’s be a little more realistic and give credit where it is due. With that in mind, I want to gratefully acknowledge all the women who have touched my life and helped me grow, starting with my Mom who left me too early and my sister Sheila who is there to help me pick up the pieces. To all the women I have worked with, chatted online with, laughed with, studied with, attended playgroup with…you’ll always have my appreciation and and admiration.

Happy Mother’s Day.



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