Birthday – March 2nd
From our Readers….
We read one of Dr. Seuss’ books emphasizing the rhyming. Then we create our own book which we call “Look Out Dr. Seuss, Our Poems are on the Loose.” In circle time I suggest several words that can be rhymed easily and the children make their own rhymes and illustrate them.
Examples from last year: The flower took a shower, the man on the floor walked out the door and my favorite, I played in the mud and got full of crud. I make a large drawing of Dr. Seuss that all the children take turns coloring and we display their drawings around it. Copies of the drawings are put together as a book for the children to take home.
Make a Dr. Seuss hat from a paper bag.
Just fold up the top of the bag and paint it red and white stripped. Add yarn around the folded part to help it stay on the childs head.
Another Seuss Hat
We took a paper plate and cut out the center. We then took strips (any size you choose) of white and red construction paper. We just used scotch tape to put the strips together. And use the center of the paper plate for the top of the hat.
For our Dr. Suess theme, we celebrate a different book each day, and combine activities from that particular book. Cat in the Hat: For snack, we bake a cake or cupcakes, have fun decorating them, and then eat our cake with a rake! It’s fun to use pretend rakes that we will later use for outdoor play (new, of course).
The Foot Book: Activities
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Toe Painting
The kids always love this one! We all take off our socks and shoes, and draw faces on each other’s toes!! It’s interesting to see the different emotions the children choose for each toe. We then take turns either playing along with the book, or making up our own rhymes!
Feet Family
I send home constuction paper ahead of time, and ask that each member of the family trace their bare foot. Most of the children even include pets, which is fun. We then cut them out, and decorate them for each member. It can be their favorite color, or even be a collage of that person’s favorite things. Then we glue them onto the same paper for our foot family!
Follow the Feet
At group time, we have fun placing feet patterns on the floor and following the patterns. We also play musical feet (like musical chairs only on the foot patterns).
One Fish, Two Fish: Activities
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Fish Snack
For snack, we either have tuna fish on crackers, or just Goldfish brand snacks. Although, we have made blue jello in clear plastic cups with gummy fish too!
Fish Art
For art, we paint blue tinted corn syrup onto fish bowl shaped construction paper, and glue paper fish and plants. It’s messy, but the results are beautiful. After the syrup has set for about two hours, I cover them with plastic wrap to cut down on stickiness.
Fish Shapes
We also use fish shapes to cut patterns through for puzzles, and then attach paper clips, and “fish” for them, using a magnet fishing pole and a pool, trying to catch the match to our fish!
The Cat in the Hat: Activities
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Balance it
We read cat in the hat book – balanced the book then a tea cup and a few other small items on our heads like the cat. Kids really loved this (they are only 3)
Cat in the Hat Hats
We also made Cat in the Hat hats out of paper plate (cut out middle and use as the rim of the hat)and construction paper (white paper with cut out red stripes) We did this activity on a rainy day.
Cat in the Hat Relay
We make hats using black construction paper, and tails using old black pantyhose, and then I give each child a paper plate and a paper cup on top. Each child then carries the plate and cup with one hand to a specific point and back, and then places their plate on top of the next person in line’s plate, and they carry two, and so on. The children love to practice balancing, and even figure out how they can switch places, so that the older children carry more, so they can make it through the whole line! Pretty smart!
Green Eggs and Ham: Activities
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Before breakfast read Green Eggs and Ham; then show the children you only add food coloring to the food and then prepare the food. Talk about how the food tastes. Is it any different because of the coloring?
Musical Hats
After reading “Cat in the hat” you can play musical hats. This is a quieter version of musical chairs. The kids sit in a circle and while the music plays they have to put the stocking cap on and pull it over their ears and then take it of again and pass it to the child next to them. Who ever has the hat when the music stops gets to start and stop the music for the next round. This way all the kids are involved and nobody has to sit out. The kids also like the way their hair stands up after they pull of the hats!!!
Various Dr. Seuss Ideas
Our early childhood special education group have local celebrities come and read one or two of their favorite stories to the children in our classes. This could be the mayor, police chief, librarian, basketball team star, etc. Some of the classes have a birthday cake, have someone dress-up as the Cat in the Hat and have a birthday party.
Have children bring in their favorite Dr. Seuss books and read them throughout the day.
Dr. Seuss look-a-like day. Have children dress up as The Cat in the Hat or other characters from the books.
Many color day ( I can’t remember the exact name of the book) My son’s pre-school class last year made green eggs, as in the “Green Eggs and Ham” book. The teachers colored white eggs with food coloring and put them in a basket prior to class. After reading the story, they used an electric skillet in the classroom to make fried eggs for snack. Or you could make scrambled eggs adding green food coloring too – the eggs were a big hit.
Our preschool class celebrated Dr. Suess’s birthday last year by having a pajama party and inviting parents and community members in to read to us. It was a blast. The children and teachers wore their pjs to school. We had big comfy pillows all over the place. Children and adults were seen all over the room just enjoying books together!!!