You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Blue color activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers and more!
All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share. Select below to get started.
Blue Color Arts and Crafts
Blue Necklaces
Make necklaces out of dyed wagon wheel pasta (blue food coloring and rubbing alcohol mixed with the pasta – mix in large Ziploc bag and allow to dry on a garbage bag overnight). The children use tipped yarn and thread on the blue wagon wheels (they are a perfect size for the yarn).
Blueberry blue
Make a blueberry pie: cut small pie shapes out of tan construction paper. Cut small blue holes with a hole punch out of dark blue paper. Let the children spread glue on their pies and add the blueberries.
Blue Fireworks
Pour about 2 inches of room temperature milk in a glass pyrex lid. Add 4-5 drops of blue food coloring. Nearby but not on top of the blue, do the same with yellow food coloring. Try to predict what will happen. Then add a few drops of clear dish soap between the color spots. What a beautiful surprise!!!! The colors swirl & mix into an green firework-type explosion. After watching it for awhile take a plastic spoon & stir the mixture to get a pale green color liquid. Try it with blue and red food coloring. This doesn’t work if you use water instead of milk.
Blue Color Games and Activities
Have everyone wear something blue
Where’s The Blue?
Get a blue cloth school bag which I filled with a number of familiar objects in every color but blue. Tell the children that you have brought something to school so you can show them the color red.
Then dig into your bag and pull out one object after another feigning surprise each time when the object turns out to be something other than red. Say things like “I know I brought something red today.” Or as you reach into the bag, “This one must be red.”
The children think it’s funny and you should encourage them to try to tell ou the color of each of the items you pull out.
When the bag is empty I held it out in front of me and shook it hard upside down. ” That’s funny, I was sure I brought something red today.”
In a matter of seconds most of them were tell me, “Your bag is red!”
Blue Color Recipes and Snacks
Eat blueberries
Make blueberry muffins
Make berry blue Kool-aid
Blue Color Songs, Poems and Finger Plays
Little Boy Blue
Little boy blue, come blow your horn; The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn. Where’s is the boy who looks after the sheep? He’s under the haystack, fast asleep.
The Blueberry Bush
(Tune: The Mulberry Bush)
Here we go round the blueberry bush,
The blueberry bush, the blueberry bush.
Here we go round the blueberry bush,
So early in the morning.
Pick the blueberries small and round,
Small and round, small and round.
Pick the blueberries small and round,
So early in the morning.
(Taste the blueberries, ripe and sweet,etc.)

Dear Reader: You can help us make this theme even better!
All of our theme ideas have come from our imagination and from reader submissions. Please use this form to contact us if you have crafts, activities, games, recipes, songs or poems that you would like us to add to this theme.