You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Spring themed activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers and more!
All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share.
Spring Arts and Crafts
Blowing In The Wind
When the dandilions are at their fuzzy stage we read the book by Eric Carl, The Tiny Seed . Then we blew the dandilions and watched them fly; also used bubble to represent seeds too. This is more fun on a windy day.
red circle 9 ”
orange circle 8″
yellow circle 7″
green circle 6″
blue circle 5″
purple circle 4″
Glue the orange onto the red. The yellow onto the orange. the green onto yellow, etc. Let dry, cut in half, glue back to back and hang. It is great because the children do not glue them directly in the center, so every rainbow has it’s own personality.
Cut two cloud shapes out of white fingerpaint paper. Glue around edges except for a small opening. Children stuff with toilet paper. Dry and hang. Puffy white clouds.
A Branch of Spring
The first spring-like day, collect broken branches with buds on them and put them in a vase of water. What better way to bring a little springtime into your house (and maybe trigger a spring cleaning)?
Hand Flowers
Trace outlines of the child’s hand on paper. Cut out hand shapes. Using a pencil roll the fingers up so that they curl up. Curl the hand shape vertically into a sort of trumpet/lily shaped cylinder with the finger curls curling outwards. Staple the flower onto a drinking straw, along with cutout leaves. Four or five of these make a nice bouquet.
Spring Inside Planting
Cut off some carrot tops and put each one in a dish with some pebbles. Add just enough water to cover the bottom of the carrot. Hide the dishes in a place where there is not too much sun. In just a few days, the carrot tops will begin sprouting and turn into plants.
Puzzle Trees
Found a great easy activity for spring, you know those puzzles that seem to always have missing pieces (like the 63 piece one that only has 40 pieces left LOL) Cut out the trunk of a tree with limbs glue this or even staple it to another peice of paper (yellow makes a great back ground color) and glue the puzzle pieces to the branches of the tree. This could also be used during the fall.
Tulip Cups
Have child make a tulip or make for them (from construction paper). Glue the cut-out of tulip on the top of a tongue depressor. Cut a lit in the bottom of a Styrofoam cup. Slit should be large enough for the tongue depressor to slide through. Pull the tongue depressor down far enough so you cannot see the flower in the “pot”. Talk about how the flowers need sun and water to grow. As you talk about things that plants need, slowly push the tongue depressor up and the tulip will be “growing”.
Crepe paper in many colors
Green and brown construction paper
Florist’s wire
Paper towels
Scissors, tape, non-toxic glue
Twist the paper towel into a ball. Tape this to one end of a strip of wire. Cut out 2 1/2″ petals from crepe paper. Stick a small piece of tape near the bottom of the petal. Tape the petal on the wire, below the ball of paper towel. Place several petals on the wire until the flower is a big as you want it. Cut a long strip of green crepe paper. Wrap this strip around the wire from top to bottom. Cover the wire with the paper. Tape it so it cannot unravel. Cut leaves from the construction paper. Dab glue on leaves. Attach to the stem of the flower. Make sever different flowers. Use many colors. Make a bouquet. Place flowers in a vase.
You will need:
1 piece of const. paper for each child in the class
Glue or glue sticks
Assorted colors of tissue paper
Make an umbrella handle and put it on the bulletin board. Put enough pieces of paper so that each child has one on the floor. The pieces should all go together to make the umbrella. Some pieces of construction paper had rounded edges, while the other sheets were still the full 9 x 12 shape. Give each child a piece of const. paper and a glue stick. Children should be instructed to tear the tissue paper into small pieces and glue onto the construction paper. When they were done, let them dry. Once dry, call the children to the bulletin board and have them tape their piece of the umbrella on.
Yellow Crepe Paper
Yellow Cupcake Papers
Green Pipe Cleaners
Roll up a little ball on one end of the pipe cleaner so that when you stick it through the flower it won’t just fall out. First cut the shape of the “back” of the daffodil…or approximately anyway. Put a small hole in the center for the pipe cleaner. Cut the cupcake paper in half. Roll it till you can glue the pleated edges together, making the part of the flower that sticks out in front (we called it the “trumpet”). Make a hole (or sort of open the one that’s there) and put the pipe cleaner through both parts of the flower; glue the “trumpet” onto the back of the flower. We also added a little edge of orange with markers to make them look like the variations of daffodils.
Bird’s Nest
Construction Paper
Use scissors to cut the shapes of birds eggs from construction paper. Glue the eggs onto cardboard. Glue short strands of yarn under the eggs for a nest allow them to dry completely. Use markers to draw tree branches around the nest and speckles on the eggs. Draw leaves or use real ones, or felt (whatever) to make leaves on the branches. Variations: Wash and dry pieces or real eggshells. Glue them on top of the yard nests. Talk about the kinds of birds that live in your area. Compare their sizes, shapes, and colors. Take a walk and look for nests in trees. Talk about the materials that birds use to build nests and how high or low the nests are in the trees.
Popcorn Flowers
Popped Popcorn
Powder Tempera Paint
Green Construction Paper
Tag board or Cardboard
Pop popcorn. Put handfuls of popcorn in plastic baggies and add powdered tempura paint to each one. Shake well to distribute paint all over the popcorn Cut stems and leaves out of green construction paper and glue them to tag board. Glue on the colored popcorn to make spring flowers.
Spring Butterflies
Food Coloring
Coffee Filters
Eye Dropper or Straws
Wooden Clothes Pin
Pipe Cleaner
Color small bowls of water with food coloring Using an eye dropper or a straw, scatter drops of colored water onto round coffee filters and watch the colors bleed and blend. While the filters dry draw eyes and body details on wooden clothespins. Gather each coffee filter up in the center and clip with the clothespin. Make antenna for each butterfly by inserting a pipe cleaner into the end of the clothespin and twisting it secure. Bend the ends of the pipe cleaner to make it look realistic. You can use tissue paper instead of coffee filters for a multi-layered effect. Decorate with sequins and buttons.
Glue green pom-poms to a large paper leaf (with a bite taken out of it) for a before and after exhibit.
Spring Flowers
Construction Paper
Trace around 1 hand on yellow paper, and trace around 1 hand on red paper. Cut them out; these will be the flowers. Cut out a long & short stem out of green paper. Cut out four leaves out of green paper. Glue the cut out hands on the stems on brown paper, add leaves.
Wind Socks
Paper Lunch Bag
Construction Paper
Crepe Paper
Misc. Craft Supplies
To make a windsock, cut off the bottom of a paper lunch bag. Decorate the bag with glitter paint, neon construction paper, stickers, etc. Then attach crepe paper streamers to one end of the bag. Attach a construction paper handle to the opposite end of the bag.
Fringed Flowers
Construction Paper
Stapler or Tape
Cut out 3 paper circles (same or different colors). Child cuts a ‘fringe’ around each circle. Put circles together, largest on bottom, smallest on top. Add a yellow smaller infringed circle or yellow dot sticker to the middle. Staple all together onto a drinking straw as stem. We used to let the children make as many of these as they wanted over a week. We’d also have them decorate a ‘vase’ made out of a whole and a half paper plate stapled together around the edge. At the end of the week they could put their flowers in the vase (a bit of playdough in the bottom of the vase made them stay there) and take the vase of flowers home to mommy.
Rain Sticks
Cardboard Rolls – Wrapping Paper Rolls work best
1 1/2 inch nails
Dried Peas
Masking Tape
Stuff for Decorating
Cover the end of the cardboard roll with masking tape and then poke in one and half inch nails randomly all over the tube so that they go all the way into the tube but not out the other side. You’ll need to use quite a few to get a good sound effect. Then you put about a half a cup of dried peas in the tube (you really need to experiment with the number of nail and amount of peas to see what produces a good sound) and tape up the other end. Then you let the children decorate the outside of the tube however they like. You can use paper, fabric, leaves, acorns, bark, etc. Some children like to use Indian designs, but others just do their own thing.
Bug Fingers
Old Gloves
Pipe Cleaners
Hot Glue or Tacky Glue
Misc. Craft Supplies
Cut the fingers off the gloves, they will be the bugs’ body. Glue on pipe cleaners for legs, wiggly eyes, pompoms for noses, and feathers on back.(Or decorate as desired). Makes cute finger puppets.
Seed Squiggles
Gather several types of seeds, wax paper, spring, and glue in squeezable bottles. have the children squeeze glue onto the wax paper to make a design approximately 4″ to 5″ long. Have them sprinkle the seeds onto the glue. Let them dry, shake off any extra seeds into a bowl. Have the children gently peel their seed picture from the wax paper. Tie a string to each and hand from the ceiling.
Umbrella Pictures
Paper Baking Cups
Crayons or Paint
Pipe Cleaners
Cut several baking cups in half, these will be the umbrellas. Glue them on a sheet of paper. For the handles, use pipe cleaners or you can draw them. Draw or paint rain drops.
Clouds with Raindrops
Children glue an umbrella cutout onto a large sheet of paper. Next, let them glue raindrops onto the paper underneath the umbrella. The kids can then paint the raindrops with glue using a paintbrush. Sprinkle with glitter so it looks like the raindrops are shiny.
Paint with Clouds
Give each child a large piece of blue paper. Set out some white paint. Give each child a cotton ball. Let them dip it into the white paint, then press onto the blue paper. The will be painting with clouds!
Baby Chicks
Materials: 1 section of an egg carton
Easter grass or raffia
1 3/4 inch pom pom
1 1/2 inch pom pom
Small wiggly eyes
Something to make the beak
How to: Give each child 1 section of egg carton. Have them glue the Easter grass or raffia in the bottom. Then place the larger pom pom in the carton and glue the smaller pom pom on top. Add small wiggly eyes and a nose made out of paper foam, or pipe cleaner
Spring Flowers
Materials: cupcake paper wrapper
Craft sticks
Plastic planting containers
How to: have the children glue the wrappers onto 1 end of the sticks place pieces of Styrofoam in the bottom of the containers have the children stick the flowers in the container.
Ants Go Marching Book
To go along with the ‘Ants Go Marching’ Song have your children make a book each verse has its own page. You can use fingerprints, colored rice, etc to make ants.
Since spring is typically a wet season have the kids make an umbrella mobile and hang blue raindrops from the umbrella or maybe a collage with a rainbow, raindrops, umbrella, ducks all those spring things. OH and don’t forget spring flowers.
Make Flowers with tissue paper and chenille stems. Either hang up on wall or put in a vase for all kids to see.
Make Umbrellas with construction paper, make cut out and have kids trace and add their own creativity to it with glitter, markers etc. Then cut out the bottom part of the umbrella out of sturdier paper and glue.
Have the children remove their shoes and socks. Allow one child at a time to dip a foot into paint (Any color) and step down into the middle of a large piece of paper. Have the child step into a tub of water to rinse his foot.Then have the child paint their hand by brush ,using maybe one color for two fingers, one color for the palm etc. just to receive colorful wings. Have the child make a set of handprints on each side of the footprint. Have the child then wash and dry hands. When the paint is dry cut around the prints by an inch or two in the outline of a butterfly. For finishing touches add wiggly eyes and pipe cleaners for antennae.
Spring Basket
Weave curling ribbon through a recycled plastic strawberry basket. Use another length of ribbon for a handle. Fill with “Easter Grass” and place goodies or silk flowers on top.
Cupcake Liner Flowers
Nest 2 or three cupcake liners together. Children can cut slits in the edges or an adult can scallop the edges. Poke a pipe cleaner up through the center and back down again. Twist the pipe cleaner ends. Glue a pom pom in the center. Make several for a bouquet of flowers. A decorated toilet paper roll can be used as a vase. (I normally use a separate piece of paper for the children to decorate and then glue it on to the roll.) If using the toilet paper roll, be sure to use only half of the pipe cleaner to make each flower. You can also tie a ribbon around a group of flowers.
Grass Heads
Place potting soil in the half of a cleaned out egg shell. Sprinkle grass seed on top. Water and place in sun (in the egg carton) to grow grass. Then use markers to decorate the eggshells with faces. Use scissors to trim the grass “hair.”
Daffodil Craft
Supplies: Sheet of white card / Polystyrene cup / green garden cane / green garden tie something sharp / glue / cut up yellow crepe paper.
Draw round the base of the cup in the middle of the card. The cup is going to be the flowers trumpet. Next draw flower petals in the correct scale from the circle and cut out. Cover the petals with glue and cover with crepe/tissue (cut up) Put 2 hole in the base of the cup and corresponding holes in the circle on the card. Push wire through the cup and the card twist and attach to the stick. You should by now have a beautiful flower.
Handprint Tulips
Using your hand paint it w/a color of your choice. Making sure that the hands are together press on paper to make a tulip. Use green paint to make the stem and leaves.
Foot Flower
What You Need:
What You Do:
Paint the bottom of the child’s foot and let them put it on paper. They can then add a stem and what other decoration they choose to add to the picture.
Insect Collage
What You Need:
Contact Paper
Construction Paper or Tissue Paper
What You Do:
Cut the contact paper in the shape of an insect (butterfly, ladybug, etc.) Let you kids put the construction paper or tissue paper on it and make great collages
Rock Bug
What You Need:
Paint or Markers
Pipe Cleaners
Goggle Eyes
What You Do:
If you live where you can, let your kids go pick out their own rocks. Then wash the rocks, let them dry. Then give the kids all the different supplies and let them design their own bug.
Paper Plate Daisy
What You Need:
Paper Plates
Yellow Paper
What You Do:
Give your children paper plates. Have them cut out pedals from the yellow paper and then attach them around the paper plate.
Clouds Pieces
What You Need:
What You Do:
Give your children a precut Clouds piece (or let them cut their own) Let them add the features to really make it look like Clouds. These work great on a bulletin board like “Popping into summer” etc
Paper Plate Kite
What You Need:
Paper Plate
Tissue Paper
Craft Sticks
What You Do:
Have your children draw a design (or make one with tissue paper) on the paper plate. Next have them glue foot long streamers on the paper plate. Finally punch a hole at the nose of the plate and tie a piece of yarn through it. Wrap additional yarn around a craft stick (tape the yarn to the stick) Now your children have a kite that will really fly on a windy day.
Paper Plate Sunflower
What You Need:
Paper Plates
Yellow Paper
Sunflower seeds or Oatmeal
What You Do:
Give your children paper plates. Have them cut out pedals from the yellow paper and then attach them around the paper plate. They can then add sunflower seeds or oatmeal to the seed of the flower
Leaf Tie Dye
What You Need:
Leaves (various colors preferred) and Flowers
Cloth (Light Color)
Sticking Instrument (Mallet or Hammer)
What You Do:
Put the leaves and Flowers out on the floor or counter. Put the cloth on top of the leaves and flowers. Then hit the cloth with the mallet until the leaves and Flowers are ground up. This will put a neat pattern on the cloth. If your brave you can let the children try it
Warning: Very Messy. Watch children with Mallets closely.
Rainbow Sticks
What You Need:
Paper Towel Rolls
Tape that you can paint on
Uncooked Rice
What You Do:
Pre-poke holes into the side of the paper towel rolls. Then have your children poke toothpicks through the holes (glue both ends). Next tape one end of the roll closed. Add rice and tape the other end. Next let your children paint their sticks as rainbows. Finally, cut off any ends of the toothpicks sticking out. Now your children have a great rainbow stick that sounds like the rain that makes rainbows come.
What You Need:
Construction Paper
Paint or Markers
What You Do:
Cut two yellow circle (one about an inch smaller than the other. Next cut a brown circle (about half the size of the largest yellow circle) Glue the circles from largest to smallest. Next use scissors to fringe the yellow circles (causing them to look like dandelions) For added fun make stems for the flowers as the same height as your children.
Paper Gardens
What You Need:
Easter Grass
Pipe Cleaners
muffin liners
What You Do:
Have your children glue grass on the paper and design their own gardens. They can choose to paint their own flowers, or use pipe cleaners or torn pieces of construction paper to form them. Additionally you can provide muffin liners from them to use as flowers.
Idea: Put Clouds and paint in a bag and shake it. This makes a great item to use with an art project.
Cellophane Kite
What You Need:
Cellophane Bag
What You Do
Tie the handles together with a piece of yarn. Attach the other end of the yarn to a craft stick and wrap some yarn around the craft stick. Tape streamers to the bottom of the bag. Let your children decorate the bag with stickers. These really fly great.
Clouds Collage
Colored Glue (paint or food coloring mixed with glue)
What You Do:
Provide your children with many different colors of glue. Let them basically paint a picture with the glue (glue must be thick enough to hold Clouds) and then have them press Clouds onto the painted parts. This makes a wonder, cute, and creative collage look!
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Class Caterpillar
Paint a rolled up newspaper. Then trace each one of your children’s hands. Paste their hands onto the caterpillar body having their fingers be the caterpillar legs.
“The Grouchy Ladybug” Clock
To help your children tell time make a clock to go along with “The Grouchy Ladybug”
Make a clock face on a round piece of red paper (draw numbers around one side of the circle). On the other side of the circle make ladybug spots. Attach black strips of paper for the legs and a black circle head. Attach the clock arms with a brass fastener. As you read the story have the children adjust the clocks to the time in the story.
Rainbow From the Sky
What You Need:
Crepe Paper
What You Do:
Have your children cut a cloud from white paper. Next have them cut raindrops out of different shades of blue paper and lighting out of yellow paper. Have your children glue these on a piece of paper. Finally, have them glue trips of multi-colored crepe paper on the cloud to symbolize a rainbow coming from the cloud. These turned out so cute!
Make Your Own Bug
What You Need:
Cotton balls
Egg cartons
Goggle eyes
Pipe cleaners
Construction paper
Glitter, any other material that you want to use.
What You Do:
Cut the egg cartons and let the children make their own bug
Lima Bean
What You Need
Whatever Other Art Supplies That You Choose
What You Do:
At the bottom of a piece of paper glue a bean. Now ask your children to draw what they think will grow from the bean on the paper
Insect Habitat
What You Need:
Paint, or colors, markers
What You Do:
Let you kids design their own Insect Habitat (Bee Hive, Ant Hill with tunnels, Spider Web, Cocoon). Then they can draw the insects in.
Kite Ink Blot
What You Need:
What You Do:
Give each of your children a kite shape cut out of paper (or have them cut their own) put a blob of paint in the middle of the shape and have them fold it over. This will make a really neat design on the kite.
Idea: You can make clouds with cotton, white pom-poms, puffy paint, torn scraps of paper, and more! Submitted by Connie
Fruit Loop Rainbow
What You Need:
Fruit Loops
What You Do:
Use a large piece of poster board. Add food coloring or paint to glue to correspond with the colors of Fruit Loops cereal. Then paint a rainbow on the paper with the glue. Then have the children sort and match the fruit loops and stick them to the corresponding colours on the rainbow.
Foot Flower
What You Need:
What You Do:
Paint the bottom of the child’s foot and let them put it on paper. They can then add a stem and what other decoration they choose to add to the picture.
Leaf Tie Dye
What You Need:
Leaves (various colors preferred) and Flowers
Cloth (Light Color)
Sticking Instrument (Mallet or Hammer)
What You Do:
Put the leaves and Flowers out on the floor or counter. Put the cloth on top of the leaves and flowers. Then hit the cloth with the mallet until the leaves and Flowers are ground up. This will put a neat pattern on the cloth. If your brave you can let the children try it
Warning: Very Messy. Watch children with Mallets closely.
Butterfly Footprints
What You Need:
Large White Paper
Markers, Glitter, or Other Decorating Materials
What You Do:
Put the children’s footprints on the paper (separated to make wings of a butterfly) Then (after they have dried) let the kids design their own unique butterfly
Flying Bugs
What You Need:
Tissue Paper
Paint, or colors, markers
Twisty Ties
What You Do:
Cut out wings out of the tissue paper. Then let the kids decorate them however they want. Next put the twisty tie around the wings to make the thorax and antennas. Then put all the butterflies in a popcorn bowl. Let your kids wave books, poster board, etc. Next to the bowl and watch the bugs fly.
Coffee Filter Butterflies
What You Need:
Coffee Filters
Spray Bottle with water
Washable Markers
Clothe spins
What You Do:
Let kids colour coffee filters, then spray them with the spray bottle, then twist and clip with clothespin. This will make the butterfly wings, the kids can then color a face and antennas on the clothespin.
Design an Insect
What You Need:
Pipe Cleaners
Popsicle Stick
Football Shakers
Goggle Eyes
Construction Paper
What You Do:
After talking about insects, and looking at insect pictures. Give the kids all of the materials and let them design their own insect. You will be amazed what great insects your kids will come up with
“The Very Quiet Cricket” Cricket
What You Need:
egg cartons
goggle eyes
pipe cleaners
construction paper
glitter, any other material that you want to use.
What You Do:
Cut the egg cartons and let the children make their own cricket.
Note you can also make caterpillars for “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Butterfly
What You Need:
Tissue Paper
Paint, or colors, markers
Twisty Ties
What You Do:
Read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” with your children and then make a Cut out wings out of the tissue paper. Then let the kids decorate them however they want. Next put the twisty tie around the wings to make the thorax and antennas. Then put all the butterflies in a popcorn bowl. Let your kids wave books, poster board, etc. Next to the bowl and watch the bugs fly
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Coffee Filter Butterflies
What You Need:
Coffee Filters
Spray Bottle with water
Washable Markers
Clothe spins
What You Do:
Let kids color coffee filters, then spray them with the spray bottle, then twist and clip with clothespin. This will make the butterfly wings, the kids can then color a face and antennas on the clothespin.
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Caterpillar
Googly Eyes
What You Do:
Have your children cut out a leaf from green construction paper. Next have them paint three Pompoms. They can then glue these to their leaves and make a really cute “Hungry Caterpillar”
Idea: Use raisins or fingerprints to represent ants
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Weave
What You Need:
What You Do:
Have your children create several different Foods that the very hungry caterpillar would eat. Next have them cut these out. Punch holes in the foods and then weave them together with green yarn. (as if the caterpillar had ate through them)
“The Grouchy Ladybug” Lady bug
What You Need:
Paper Plates
Medal Fastener (brass fastener)
What You Do:
Give each child two small paper plates and have them paint one as a ladybug. Next have them cut that plate in half Have them paint the second plate as a lady bug with its wings spread. Attach the two halves to the second plate with a medal fastener. Now the wings of the ladybug can open and shut!!
Watch out for Puddles
Make pretend puddles on the floor and have your children jump over the puddles without getting “wet” .
What Spring Thing Is Missing
Bring several spring items to circle time and talk to your children about
them. Next place a cloth over the items and remove one or more of the items.
Ask your children to guess which items you took
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Role Play
After reading the “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” have your children act out the stages of a butterfly.
Caterpillar: Crawl on the Ground pretending to eat everything
Cocoon: Role up into a tight ball, and then slowly uncoil
Butterfly: Have them hold their arms out and run around the room
Wind and Clouds
After discussing how the wind moves the clouds. Let your children have cloud races by blowing into straws (wind) to move cotton balls or pompoms (clouds)
Butterfly Match
Create several different colored butterflies. Cut them in half and then have your children match the butterfly halves.
Solar Ovens
Line a shoe box with aluminum foil. Next put kabob skewers through the box. Place plastic wrap over the top of the box. Now you can cook marshmallows and hot dogs on a particular sunny day.
Fish Tank Garden
Show your children how things grow by planting seeds in a fish tank. Simply put rocks on the bottom of the tank (for drainage), add potting soil (from a local hardware store), and let your children plant seeds in the soil.
Talk to your children about wind. Then ask them if they have ever had anything blow away. On a really windy day. Take your children outside and show them the effect wind has on some ordinary items that they use in their daily lives (paper plate, sheet, etc)
Different Shades of Rainbow Colors
Give a white ice cube tray to the child and fill the first three holes with red, yellow and blue water. Give the child an eye dropper (or medicine dropper) and let them mix the colors in the empty spaces. This will create many shades of colors.
Clear Garden
Let your children see how plants sprout and then form root systems. Wet paper towels and put them in clear plastic cups. Finally sprinkle radish seed on the paper towel until the seeds are clearly visible. Set the cups in the sun and keep the towels moist, you will have growth in no time
How Far did the Kite Fly
When your children get done flying a kite, instead of rewinding the string to bring it down. Wrap the string around another stick or your hand. When you get it down then you can stretch out the string and show your children how high up the kite was.
Grow A Butterfly
Find a caterpillar and let it grow and transform into a butterfly!! Your children will love to watch the transformation over time.
How Clouds Move
Talk to your children about how the wind moves clouds across the sky. Then ask them when they saw the wind at work…blowing dust, rain, a kite, etc.
Flowers Food
Put a white carnation in a cup of colored water (darker color the better) and let your kids see how flowers drink water (the flower will take get its color changed as it takes in the water)
Outdoor Garden
If you have the facilities make a real garden for your children in a small swimming pool (punch holes for drainage) They will love to work it just like it’s a real garden.
Growing Grass
Dampen a sponge and then put grass seed on the top of it. Next pour water over the sponge let your children watch as the grass grows over the next few weeks.
Carrot on a String
Core out the top of a carrot and put a hole in order to hang the carrot from a string. Hang it somewhere where it can get sun. Have children put water in the cored out top. In a few days your kids will love the results.
Ant Farm
Get an ant farm and let your kids watch. Them build their many tunnels
Buggy Aquarium
Put a lot of bugs in an aquarium. Make sure the lid fits well. Let your kids watch the bugs. They will enjoy seeing the bugs as well as learn a lot.
Bee Hive
Talk to your children about the intricate workings of a Bee Hive. Tell them about how all of the bees have a specific task and they all have to work together to have a successful Hive.
“The Very Quiet Cricket”
After reading the “The Very Quiet Cricket” get several crickets from a bait shop and let your children watch them make noise. Once your children have seen them take them outside and set them free.
Baggie Garden
Wet a paper towel, and drop it along with six white beans into a Ziploc bag. Seal the baggie (leaving air in the bag) and put it in your window. Your children will love watching the beans grow.
“The Tiny Seed” Plant
To go along with the book “The Tiny Seed” plant sunflowers. Plant the seeds in tiny plastic cups with soil (or plastic bags with moist towels) as the seed grows you can show your children how the roots form in the soil and the plant grows above the soil.
Additionally you can graph how many children think their seed will grow and how many will not. Graph their prediction and their results.
Spring Sock
When all the snow has disappeared and the spring ground is dry…have your children bring in an old sock to wear out on a spring walk. Just one sock over a shoe (if it is still too cool). Be sure to take that sock for a walk in plenty of places! When you return to class, have the children bury their sock in some soil and spray gently to moisten…….keep moist and put into a sunny window. Watch for the magic to unfold when something begins to grow from those spring socks.
What Makes a Rainbow?
Talk to your children about what makes a rainbow (light refraction on mist).
Planting Flowers
Cut several (ten or more) flower shapes form construction paper or wallpaper scraps and glue the cut outs to craft sticks. Print the numbers one through ten on index cards. Put sand in a flower pot. Have your children draw the number cards and then plant the number of flowers that the card indicates into the sand.
Pair you children off and give them a feather. Tell them to try to keep the feather in the air by blowing it. Explain that the air they are blowing out of their mouth is like the wind outside.
Rolling rainbows
Take clear plastic soda bottles and fill them with water and put mosaic tiles in them. Now your children can roll the bottles and watch the rainbow colors swirl. Note: Both glue and tape the cap on so that your children can not open it.
Rainbow Bottle
Get several different densities of liquid (oil, water, alcohol, etc) and use food coloring to die each one a different color. Put these in a bottle (oil then water then alcohol) and let your children play with these bottles
Wallpaper Kite
Cut out kites from wallpaper. Cut the kites in half. Have your children match the kite sides by the design.
What Does the Cloud Look Like
Talk to your children about how people often see different things in clouds. Then fold a colored piece of paper in half. Put a few drops of white paint in the crease and then have your children press down on the paper. Ask them what they think the “cloud” looks like. This activity goes well with the book “It Looks Like Spilled Milk”eared and the spring ground is dry…have your children bring in an old sock to wear out on a spring walk. Just one sock over a shoe (if it is still too cool). Be sure to take that sock for a walk in plenty of places! When you return to class, have the children bury their sock in some soil and spray gently to moisten…….keep moist and put into a sunny window. Watch for the magic to unfold when something begins to grow from those spring socks.
Spring Games and Activities
Spring Outdoor Activities
Take children for a walk in a park, where they could collect, leaves twigs/bark/flowers, don’t forget a bag to put all the children’s treasures in. These items could be used as collage and a sensory activity, children could smell/feel the flowers. Children could paint on the bark with Aboriginal colored designs. Leaves could be dried and then use clear contact to cover them, cut around the shape of the leaf and use for a bookmark. Could be used for a Birthday gift, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc.
The leaves could also be used by placing paper over the leaf and then rubbing with charcoal to see what effect you’d get on the paper. Children could dress the dolls in clothes that would be suitable for spring.
Another activity that could be tried, is drying the flowers/leaves and children could design them on a peg/magnet for parent to use on the fridge to keep their messages.
Kite Match
Cut out pairs of kites from different colors of construction paper. Have your children try to match the kites up.
Spring Corner
Set up a spring corner for your children to enjoy
Note: this can be very Messy
* Place potting Soil in a sensory table
* Provide Flower Pots
* Provide Fake flowers
* Provide Fake shovels and hand rakes
* Don’t forget the Watering Can
In the dramatic play area set up a greenhouse. Get fake flowers as well as garden tools, garden gloves, a watering can, and big hats. For an added effect get real dirt and put it in a Rubbermaid container.
Cloudy Bulletin Board
Have your children cut out raindrops from paper. Next have them sponge paint these with blue paint while you cut out a large cloud shape from white butcher paper. Have them decorate the cloud with black hand prints Hang this along with yellow lightning on your bulletin board. You can use a title like “We Are Fun Even On A Rainy Day”
Seed, Seed, Sprout
Instead of duck, duck, goose play seed, seed, sprout
Planting Flowers
Give your children fake (silk or plastic) flowers. Let them take these out onto the playground and pretend to pick and plant them.
Rainbow Stew
Cook two cups water, 1/3 cup sugar, 2/3 cup corn starch, When the mixture has cooled put a few spoonful of each color in the baggie, push out air and seal (you may want to super glue so your children can not open it). Know your children can blend the colours together.
“The Very Quiet Cricket” Rule
Use the book “The Very Quiet Cricket” to tell your children that they should not talk in the hall. Tell them they are all crickets and only adult crickets can make a noise
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Eating Healthy Lesson
Talk to your children about eating healthy by using the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” Talk to them about how healthy the caterpillar grew when eating healthy (Strawberries, Plums, Oranges, Apples, Pears) and how his stomach hurt when eating junk food.
Tissue Paper Wind
Put small squares of tissue paper in a Ziploc Bag. Put a straw in each bag and zip the bag shut. Let your children blow in the bag and see what happens to the tissue paper. Ask your children what they observed when they blew into the bag. Explain to them this is like the wind outside blowing clouds. To further explain this put other tissue paper squares in front of a fan and turn it on.
In March (we live in a long winter area) I ask each child to bring in one cutting from a deciduous shrub in their yard to put into our special “Buds and Blossoms” jar in our classroom. I note to please be gentle when cutting the small cutting (about 24 inches)and to put your name on the cutting. We then put everyone’s cutting into our beautiful jar which has some warm water in it…then wait…and wait…until the magic begins! It is so much fun to predict what will happen and see the leaves and blossoms emerge from the lifeless cuttings.
Talk about the 4 seasons and why spring is the season of rebirth after the long winter is behind us. Talk about what we all love about spring – the snow is gone, warmer weather, water puddles, mud pies, etc.
Buggy Aquarium
Put a lot of bugs in an aquarium. Make sure the lid fits well. Let your kids watch the bugs. They will enjoy seeing the bugs as well as learn a lot.
Grow Your Name
Get small boxes, line them with plastic, and fill them with potting soil. Have your children scratch out their name in the soil. Have them sprinkle grass seeds into the name Gently cover it with soil and soon you will have their name growing in a garden
Bulletin Board Rainbow
Cut or have your children cut a large red circle. Then have them cut a slightly smaller orange circle. Then cut a yellow circle slightly smaller than the orange. And so on for green, violet, indigo, and blue. This makes a cute bulletin board border
The Rainbow In The Sky
Take your children outside and show them everything in the sky (clouds, birds, telephone lines, the sun, etc) then have them draw the sky.
Florist visit
Take your children to a local florist to learn about what they do
Concepts to be Taught
1. Spring is the season between summer and winter
2 .In the springtime, dormant and migrating animals reappear.
3. Insects and spiders, which are plentiful in the spring, can be both helpful and harmful.
4. Seeds are planted, and plants begin to grow in the spring
5. People enjoy outdoor activities once again as the weather becomes warmer.
Grow your own seeds
Cut milk carton in half, fill the bottom ¾ full of potting soil. Have
the children planet grass seeds or flower seeds.
Feel of Spring
Need 4 plates.
Put a sample of each of the following in a plate: Mud, potting soil, cotton balls (clouds) and feathers. Let the children feel the different textures and discuss the feeling
Carrot on a String
Core out the top of a carrot and put a hole in order to hang the carrot from a string. Hang it somewhere where it can get sun. Have children put water in the cored out top. In a few days your kids will love the results.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Read the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs then let your children make their own weather service with pasta
Planting Flowers
Give your children fake (silk or plastic) flowers. Let them take these out onto the playground and pretend to pick and plant them.
Bumble Bee Dance!
With your kids imitate the different bee dances. You can find a video with the dances in most places (National Geographic has a few).
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Play
Have your children act out “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. Some children can be food while other children pretend to be the caterpillar munching on the food.
*Have the children hold cardboard paintings of food
*Use a sheet for the child to wrap themselves up in to form a cocoon
*Make butterfly wings out of cardboard for the butterfly to wear
I made pretend puddles using cardboard and aluminum foil ( to use in the block area and at various parts of the room). Just take small or large, depending on where you will use them, pieces of cardboard and then cover them up with aluminum foil. This is great to use in the block area. Or if you do make a big one use it for music and movement time. Have the children jump over the puddle, walk around the puddle, etc.
Flower Shapes
Use colored construction paper to make different styles of flowers from shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. Glue each flower to an index card or piece of tag board. Cut out identical set of the shapes that were used to make each flower. Place the second set of shapes in a resealable storage bag and staple one side the bag to the back of the matching flower card. Give each child a flower set and explain that they are to make the flower shown on the card from the loose pieces in the bag. When each child is finished have them exchange with another child. (laminate for further usage)
Fabric Flower Match
Gather several types of fabric scraps in different patterns. Make pairs of flowers by cutting each piece of fabric into two flowers. Glue each piece of fabric to tag board. The flowers do not need to be the same shape. Show the flowers to the children and let them find matches. Place the flowers in a basket so they may try it during free play.
Spring Cleaning
Every year I let my children have buckets of water, squirt bottles, rags, feather dusters, dusting rags etc. I allow them to scrub down chairs and tables, dust, squirt the windows and wipe them down. The children love to do this ! We have given a bath to each toy and baby in the center, we got a little wet but that is half the fun.
Playing with Clouds
Give each child a large sheet of paper. Put some shaving cream in the middle of the paper. Tell them to imagine that it is a cloud. How does it feel? What color is it? Let them have fun playing with it. It also makes the room smell great!
How about some water play? I filled the buckets from our sand and rice table with water. Add some plastic boats and cups, put smocks on the kids and let them have fun! They loved it. Just remember to lay down a plastic sheet under the kids feet (I used an old shower curtain we had at the school).
Sensory Table
Place several types of seeds, leaves and buds in the sensory table along with magnifying glasses. Allow the children to observe the small details of seeds, leaves and buds. Later in the day I ask them to describe details they have seen.
Dramatic Play
Set gardening toys out for the children in the playground. Talk about their uses and demonstrate. Let the children create their own play from here.
Materials Needed:
Grass seeds
Hand out the supplies. Have the children put seeds on the damp sponge. Set them in sunny window. Keep moist.
Spring Recipes and Snacks
Yogurt Popsicles
1 carton vanilla yogurt
1 can (6 ounce) concentrated fruit juice,
(unsweetened (orange works well)
dash of vanilla and/or honey (*do not use honey if giving to children under 1 year)
Mix well and freeze in molds (3oz paper cups can be used).
For handles, insert wooden sticks of spoons when mixture is partially frozen.
For single servings mix some plain yogurt with pureed canned or ripe fruit, or a spoonful of jam or jelly, in a small paper cup.
*Rainbow Jell-O
*Rainbow Rice Cakes (use food coloring to dye)
*Meringue Drop Cookies (look just like clouds)
*Rainbow Banana – die chunks of banana in the colors of a rainbow with Jell-O
Edible Insect
Make an insect using celery sticks for the body, carrot legs, licorice antennas, and raisin eyes. To hold it all together use peanut butter.
Gelatin Rainbow Snack
Purchase clear plastic cups, Make all six colors of Jell-O: cherry, orange, lemon, lime, berry blue, and grape. After the Jell-O has set spoon one spoonful of each flavor into clear cup. Top with a cloud of whip cream you have an edible rainbow.
Yummy Tulip Flowers
Cut a fruit rollup in half. Scallop one side (long edge) of the rollup. Wrap it around a large marshmallow stuck on a bamboo skewer (you can “paint” it green with food coloring and water). Stick several in a brownie or cake for a garden. For added activity, you can cut off the top of the marshmallow (before wrapping it with the fruit rollup) and dip it in red or other colored sugar.
making robins a snack
make instant chocolate pudding add gummy worms, crushed Oreos put in clear plastic cups enjoy
Kite Snack
Cut bread into the shape of a kite. Have your children butter the bread. Toast it and add a licorice string for a cute delicious kite snack.
Spring Songs, Poems and Finger Plays
Spring Won’t Spring!
Sing to tune of “This is the Song That Never Ends” (Shari Lewis & Lambchop)
This winter doesn’t want to end,
It just goes on and on my friend.
Some people started thinking that it would be over soon,
But every day it snows some more and now it’s almost June! (repeat over and over again!)
Do you see a sign of Spring? (tune of “If I were a lassiie”)
Oh, do you see a sign of Spring
a sign of Spring, a sign of Spring?
Oh, do you see a sign of spring?
Please, tell us what you see!
Fun in the Rain ( Tune: Deck the Halls)
Do you hear the pitter patter? Hear the little raindrops falling down.
Can you see the splashing water? All the little raindrops on the ground.
Time to get our big umbrellas We don’t want to get our hair all wet.
If you wear your boots and raincoat, We will go outside and splash a bit!
Rain is falling down
Rain is falling down (raise arms, flutter fingers to the ground)
Rain is falling down.
Creepy Crawly Caterpillar
A creepy crawly caterpillar that I see(shade eyes)
Makes a chrysalis in the big oak tree. (make body into a ball)
He stays there, and I know why (slowly stand up)
Because soon he will be a butterfly (flap arms)
Spring is here (tune of The Farmer in the Dell)
The days of Spring are here,
Warm, sunny days are near,
Flowers and bees, and birds in trees.
The days of spring are here.
Spring is Here (tune of Are You Sleeping)
I see robins, I see bird’s nests,
Butterflies too, flowers too.
Everything is growing,
The wind is gently blowing.
Spring is here, spring is here.
Marching Ants
Let your pretend to march like the ants do.
Here is a nest for the robin; (cup both hands)
Here is a hive for the bee; (Fists together)
Here is a hole for the bunny; (Finger and thumb form a circle)
And here is a house for me! (Fingertips together make roof)
Rain, Rain go away
Come again another day
Little *child’s name*
Wants to play.
Robins are Here sung to the tune Frere Jacques
Robins are here, robins are here
is must be spring it must be spring
robins are here, chirp chirp chirp
Spring Is Here (Sung To: Are You Sleeping)
I see robins,
I see bird’s nests,
Butterflies too,
flowers too.
Everything is growing,
The wind is gently blowing.
Spring is here, spring is here.
Spring Poem
Some days seem like winter,
Some are nice and warm.
Rainy days and windy days,
Maybe it will storm.
Warm or cold or wet or dry,
What will the weather be?
I think Spring is trying to play
Peek-a-boo with me
Beautiful Rainbow Came
One day the sun was shining bright (hold up right hand like blocking sunlight)
But some clouds came along and it became black as night
(Hold up left hand for the clouds)
Then the rain began to sprinkle onto the ground
(wiggle fingers for the rain coming down)
And soon it was raining all over the town.
But when the clouds had passed on by (move both hands to one side)
A big beautiful rainbow stretched across the sky
(make a rainbow arc with your hands)
The Days of Spring (Sung to: Farmer in the Dell
The days of Spring are here,
Warm, sunny days are near,
Flowers and bees, and birds in trees.
The days of spring are here.
Caterpillar Change
There was a little caterpillar crawling all about. (Walk with fingers on arm)
He worked and he worked without a doubt. (Wiggle fingers)
Wrapping himself in a snug cocoon.(Wrap other hand around fingers)
Waiting and waiting, will it be soon? (hold fingers)
Look, he’s coming out, my oh my! (raise arms in excitement)
For now he’s become a beautiful butterfly (Cross thumbs and flap hands like wings)
The Flower Song
The flower has some petals, the flower has some petals.
The petals call the birds and bees, the flower has some petals
The flower has some leaves, the flower has some leaves.
The leaves will catch the rain and sun, the flower has some leaves.
The flower has a stem, the flower has a stem.
The stem will make it stand up tall, the flower has a stem.
The flower has some roots, the flower has some roots.
The roots will carry food and drink, the flower has some roots.
There was a day when we were blown
And windy was the weather-O,
W-I-N-D-Y, W-I-N-D-Y, W-I-N-D-Y,
And windy was the weather. Continue
Popcorn Popping
I looked out the window and what did I see?
Popcorn, popping on the apricot tree.
Spring has brought me such a nice surprise
Popcorn popping right before my eyes
I can take a handful and make a treat
A popcorn ball that smells so sweet
It wasn’t really so, but it seemed to be
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.
Planting Seeds
First you take the seed and you plant it in the ground (pretend to plant seeds in hand)
Next a rain cloud comes and waters all around (Use one hand to simulate rain)
Next the sun shines brightly, without a sound (use fingers like sun)
And in just a few days, a flower is found (open hand like flower)
Caterpillar in a Box
A fuzzy caterpillar wiggled down a tree
He wiggled long, he wiggled short, he wiggled right at me.
I put him in a box and said Please don’t go from me,
But when I looked again, I saw a butterfly not he.
Colors up in the Rainbow
Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too.
All the colors that we know, live up in the rainbow.
Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too.
Let’s Go Fly A Kite
Let’s go fly a kite
Up where it’s clear and bright
Let’s all go fly a kite
Let’s go fly a (pick a color) kite
Up where it’s clear and bright
Let’s go fly a (pick a color) kite
Rain on the Grass
Rain on the green grass,
Rain on the tree,
Rain on the house top.
But not on me.
The Caterpillar
The fuzzy little caterpillar went up into a tree (act like your climbing)
spun his cocoon and then (yawn) went to sleep (spin hands)
While he was sleeping he dreamt that he could fly (making flying motion)
When he woke up (loud, excited) he was a butterfly.
Hunting Bugs
A-hunting we will go
A -hunting we will go
We’ll catch a (insert any insect here)
and put it in a box
(loudly) and then we’ll let it go!
The Little Caterpillar (Sung to “Itsy, Bitsy Spider”)
The little caterpillar crawled up into a tree,
Spun his cocoon and slept so quietly,
All through the winter he didn’t make a sound,
He dreamt of his new life when he’d be flying all around.
While he was sleeping the snow did gently fall,
Winter came and went, then her heard the robin’s call,
Come on Mr. Butterfly, out of your cocoon
Spread your wings and fly for me, while I sing my tune.
Colors of the Rainbow
Red, and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue
I can sing a rainbow.. . I Sing a rainbow… and so can you.
Red, and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue
I Can Dance A Rainbow… I Can Dance A Rainbow… and so can you
Planting Flowers
Planting flowers, planting flowers
In the ground, in the ground,
Water them and they grow,
Water them and they grow,
All around, all around.
Plant A Little Seed
I plant a little seed in the cold, cold ground (Squat down pretend to plant)
Out comes the yellow sun, big and round (Put arms above head like sun)
Down come the raindrops soft and slowly (dancing fingers)
Up comes the flower grow, grow, grow (jump as flower emerges)
Caterpillar (Sung To “Row, row your boat”)
One caterpillar , two caterpillars, three caterpillars today.
Four caterpillars, five caterpillars eating all the day.
One cocoon, two cocoons three cocoons today.
Four cocoons, five cocoons sleeping all the day.
One butterfly, two butterflies three butterflies today.
Four butterflies, five butterflies, flying, flying away.
A Seedlings Song
I am only now a seedling planted with hands so very young
I have but just one wish, to reach and touch the sun
My little leaves are fragile, my stem is very new
My roots can barely hold me up, but you can help me through.
I need only a few things, to keep me alive and well
Some water, love and sunshine, Then time will surely tell.
If my leaves look kind of droopy, something to drink will do the trick
And feed me a little fertilizer, to prevent me from getting sick.
This pot I live in now is a temporary hold;
I’ll need to be replanted, as I will soon grow old.
The hardest thing to do my friend is to sit and watch and wait
For the wonderful surprise I’ll bring, Please be patient and have faith
For your effort, love and support will all be over soon;
Visit me in a month or two and I’ll reward you with a bloom.
But please don’t cut me down I can surprise you once again,
Let me finish my flower and seed and next year, I’ll be back my friend.
The Gardening Song
First you take a shovel, a rake, and a hoe
Plant a little garden, Plant seeds in a row
Water them and weed them through all the summer heat
And then you’ll have some flowers or vegetables to eat.
Fuzzy Caterpillar
The fuzzy caterpillar curled up on a leaf.
Spun her little chrysalis and then fell fast asleep.
While she was sleeping, she dreamed that she could fly.
And later when she woke up, she was a butterfly.
The Flower Song
The flower has some petals, the flower has some petals.
The petals call the birds and bees, the flower has some petals
The flower has some leaves, the flower has some leaves.
The leaves will catch the rain and sun, the flower has some leaves.
The flower has a stem, the flower has a stem.
The stem will make it stand up tall, the flower has a stem.
The flower has some roots, the flower has some roots.
The roots will carry food and drink, the flower has some roots.
Six Silly Spiders
Six silly spiders standing in a row (Hold up three fingers on each hand)
They just do not know where to go (Wiggle fingers.)
But when someone comes to spray (pretend to spray water)
They will be off on their way (wiggle fingers away.)
In the sea are seven seals. (Hold up three finger and four fingers.)
Swimming and splashing are some of their skills. (Pretend to swim.)
Soon the seals are surprised (Throw hand up as surprised.)
By a fish that’s twice their size. (Hold arms wide)
Swim, little seals, as swiftly as you ca (Pretend to swim fast.)
Or there may be only six in your clan (Hold up three fingers on each hand)
Buzzing Bees
Bees, Bees, Bees, Bees
Buzzing in bushes and buzzing in trees
Buzzing around, wherever they please
There’s nothing so sweet
As sweet as a honey bee.
I Plant A Seed (Sung to: I’m a Little Teapot)
I plant a little seed in the cold, cold ground.
Out comes the yellow sun, big and round.
Down come the raindrops soft and slowly
Up comes the flower grow, grow, grow!
Planting Flowers (Sung to: Ferez Jacques)
Planting flowers, Planting flowers,
In the ground, In the ground,
Water them and they grow,
Water them and they grow,
All around, All around.
April Rain
Dance little raindrop (wiggle fingers)
Tap with tiny feet (tap feet)
The seeds will awaken (pretend to sleep and awake)
When they hear our beat (cup hand over ear)
Grow little seeds (sq
And see the cloudy sky (point to sky
Some Rabbits (Sung To: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
Some rabbits have bright shiny noses.
I’m telling you now as a friend.
The reason their noses are shiny
Their powder puffs on the wrong end.
Wrong end, wrong end, their powder puffs on the wrong end.
The Ants Go Marching
The ants go marching one by one. . Hoorah, hoorah
The ants go marching one by one. . Hoorah, hoorah
The ants go marching one by one
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go marching
Down, to the ground
Boom, Boom, Boom
The ants go marching two by two . . . Hoorah, hoorah
The ants go marching two by two . . . Hoorah, hoorah
The ants go marching two by two
The little one stops to tie his shoe
And they all go marching
Down, to the ground
Boom, Boom, Boom
The ants go marching three by three . . . Hoorah, hoorah
The ants go marching three by three . . . Hoorah, hoorah
The ants go marching three by three
The little one stops cause he skinned his knee
And they all go marching
Down, to the ground
Boom, Boom, Boom
The ants go marching four by four . . . Hoorah, hoorah
The ants go marching four by four . . . Hoorah, hoorah
The ants go marching four by four
The little one stops to shut the door
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
Boom Boom Boom
Pitter-patter raindrops (wiggle fingers to imitate falling rain)
falling from the sky.
Here is my umbrella, (hands over head)
to keep me safe and dry.
When the rain is over
and the sun begins to glow, (make large circle with arms)
little flowers begin to bud; (cup hands together)
and grow and grow and grow. (spread hands apart slowly
Signs of Spring
( Muffin Man)
Do you see a sign of Spring
a sign of Spring, a sign of Spring
Do you see a sign of Spring
Tell us what you see.

Dear Reader: You can help us make this theme even better!
All of our theme ideas have come from our imagination and from reader submissions. Please use this form to contact us if you have crafts, activities, games, recipes, songs or poems that you would like us to add to this theme.