6 Tips for Getting Your Kid to Put Their Phone Away and Be Active

The phenomenon of FOMO, or the fear of missing out, plays a significant role in keeping individuals tethered to their devices, constantly checking for updates or fearing they might miss out on something important happening on social networks such as Instagram.

Mobile applications and games have been meticulously crafted to be engaging and habit-forming. In comparison to the vibrant and interactive world of smartphones, the physical world can sometimes appear less stimulating. Since phones use our psychological weaknesses, they are difficult to refuse. Parents should offer an alternative and help them wean themselves off using gadgets at all times. These tips will help active kids become one.

1 Martial Arts

Children are often instantly enchanted with martial arts classes from the moment they begin. What’s not to love? Martial arts are engaging and dynamic, with every class offering something new. Kids have the chance to mingle with peers across different age groups, fostering new friendships along the way.

Martial arts not only boost your child’s physical fitness but also equip them with self-defense skills that will serve them for a lifetime. Beyond the physical, they imbibe crucial life values such as discipline, persistence, respect, and the ability to think critically in stressful situations.

Engaging in martial arts is a thrilling adventure for kids, filled with enjoyment and learning. You won’t have to coax them into attending their classes; it’s an activity they eagerly anticipate. Often, they’ll be the ones putting aside their digital devices to remind you it’s time for their martial arts session.

2 Give Them a Voice

Inquire about their hobbies involving physical exercise. Give them the opportunity to choose their own play time or activities. You must remember that a smartphone is not just entertainment. There are quite rationally effective mobile apps. The same fax app for iOS will be useful while studying and saves the family money. Consider effective smartphone use times and listen to your child. When he takes part in the formation of rules, the child tolerates them better and follows them more willingly.

3 Use Kid-Friendly Cell Phone Providers

Many leading mobile network providers, like Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T, have developed features to support parents in managing their children’s phone usage. These features allow parents to set limits on texting, block both incoming and outgoing calls to specific numbers, and control the phone’s functionality during designated hours. Additionally, these services often include GPS tracking, enabling parents to know the location from where their child is making calls. While these added services come with a monthly fee per line, the investment can significantly benefit family time by encouraging periods without phone distractions. Furthermore, implementing restrictions on calls and texts can also safeguard against unexpected overage charges from exceeding allotted minutes or text limits.

4 Set Clear Rules

We tend to cling to our devices a bit too much, and it’s crucial to ensure that our mobile phones don’t dominate family time or disrupt our tranquility. Therefore, here are some straightforward, manageable strategies:

  • Reasonable Screen Time Limits: Based on your children’s ages, establish daily smartphone usage limits. Perhaps an hour daily for younger kids and a few hours for teenagers. It’s essential for everyone to agree on these restrictions.
  • Leverage Technology: Employ the parental control features on smartphones to monitor app usage, filter content, and even lock the phone at specified times. Indeed, your smartphone can aid in enforcing these rules!
  • Establish No-Phone Areas: Consider setting up a phone-free zone in parts of the home like the family room or dining area. This prompts everyone to engage in activities together without the distraction of screens.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate appropriate phone usage to your children. Aim to limit your own screen time, particularly in their presence.

5 Set a Good Example

One aspect teenagers are particularly sensitive to is perceived doublespeak. In efforts to reduce your child’s screen time, it’s essential to first examine your own habits. Illustratively, insisting they forgo their phones during meals while you’re engrossed in your emails is a recipe for discord at the dinner table.

6 Schedule More Family Time

Teens often have a keen sense for hypocrisy, making it crucial for parents to lead by example, especially when addressing the matter of reducing screen time. If you’re planning to limit your child’s use of digital devices, it’s important to first evaluate and adjust your own screen habits. For instance, insisting on a no-phone rule during meals, while you casually scroll through your emails, is likely to spark resistance and conflict at the dinner table.


Not only do children not strive to reduce screen time, but they also see no reason to do so. It’s up to parents to explain the benefits of an active lifestyle, the consequences of spending too much time on a smartphone, and help them find activities that will help them switch to something else.

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