How Old are You in 3rd Grade?

The 3rd grade is the third year of school according to the K-12 system. The third year at school can be a challenge for both parents and their kids, and it’s better to know exactly what you can expect.

Here’s an important guide for parents that has all things third-grade covered, including how old the average kid is in third-grade and how parents can better prepare their children for what grade 3 has to teach them.

How Old are You in 3rd Grade

How old is the average kid in 3rd grade?

According to the website Crafty Mother/Father, the average kid is aged between the ages of 8 and 9 in the 3rd grade.

Children who were enrolled in the first grades at a younger age are likely to turn 8 while in the grade, while kids who are 8 or 9 at the beginning of the year could be slightly older than their classmates by a couple of months.

While an age difference makes no difference to the grade itself, a few weeks or months can make a child appear to be older than their classmates.

How old are you in 3rd grade in America?

According to the website, the average child in 3rd grade is aged between the ages of 8 and 9.

State regulations in the United States set the minimum age for most grade 3 children at the age of 8.

There are some exceptions: children who were enrolled in the year early might be younger than their classmates, while ones who have their birthday in grade 3 will appear slightly older than others.

What Subjects are Taught in Third Grade?

Subjects that are taught in third grade are meant to expand on the language, math and science skills that children were taught in grades one and two. Skills are no longer as basic as they might have been in second grade, but the third grade curriculum expects to step it up with more complicated information and problem solving.

According to the website, some of the subjects that children will be taught in the third grade includes science, social studies and technology. The same resource also says that math skills will be expanded to include more difficult multiplication and division skills.\

While grades one and two focus on skills, the third grade brings these skills into clearer focus and turns them into subjects.

What do kids learn in 3rd grade?

Children are taught a wide variety of different skills in grade 3, which are more advanced than the basic foundational skills (e.g. counting and spelling) that they learned in grades 2 to 3.

According to, children learn more advanced versions of basic math skills: where the earlier grades focused on primarily addition and subtraction, children will learn skills like multiplication and division in grade 3.

Language skills will also expand in the third-grade. Children will learn how to construct more complicated sentences, stories and short essays.

The 3rd grade also expands the student’s knowledge with more information about the world around them, such as basic history.

Children in third grade will also learn more about basic geometry and colors than they have in the previous two grades.

What are 3rd graders interested in?

Third-graders have a variety of different interests, and the average third-grade child already knows their way around movies, series, technology and popular culture.

All third-graders won’t fit into the same categories, and what a child in 3rd grade enjoys can be very individual. Educators, parents and guardians should get to know the individual interests of each child, since it can be worlds apart from what another child of the same age would find an interest in.

According to, interests at this age can include almost anything from bugs to dinosaurs.

How Old are You in 3rd Grade

What incoming third graders should know?

The most basic educational skills are established in the first two grades, but by grade-three kids are expected to put these skills into practice – and in more complex ways than they were able to before.

At the start of third-grade, incoming third-graders should know how to deal with three-digit numbers and longer, five-sentence paragraphs.

Children who show an interest at reading can be at an advantage above other third-graders who are not, but this is not always the case.

According to, reading is one of the skills that an incoming third-grader will likely use and apply the most from this point on..

How do you prepare for third grade?

Parents can help their children to prepare for the 3rd grade by going through the core skills that children are going to need in the next year. A lot of the same skills are covered that kids would have learned about in 2nd grade, but the next year makes the skills that they learn far more intricate. Third-graders are taught how to add and subtract, but will also be able to divide and multiply basic numbers.

According to Scholastic, more complicated language and writing skills that third-graders will learn includes cursive writing, paragraph writing and punctuation.

3rd grade skills checklist

According to, some of the skills that children will learn during the 3rd grade includes more advanced literacy and language skills, conversation, memorization and the ability to summarize information.

Third-graders will also learn more about basic geometric skills, though more advanced concepts like algebra might only be introduced later.

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